Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Sound walk

I sat outside hunter west, near the subway. The sounds of the cars are overwhelming. Their engines roar, their horns beep, brakes screech, motor idling. Occasionally an ambulance or police car tries to rush by, and the loud sirens bounce off the metal buildings. Underneath I can hear the subway approaching, as it stood the brakes screech loudly, and soon after a group of people ascend from the group, immediately taking out their phones. I focus in and out of conversations mostly from students about midterm week. I hear the uncrumbling of wrappers to a sandwich. Next to me 2 boys are rolling their own cigarettes. I can hear pages flipping through a textbook, and garbage rolling like tumbleweed on the sidewalk. I hear high school students chanting and laughing. I hear the sound of coins dropping on the ground, and the rhythm of shoes hitting the ground. What I cannot hear is nature, the birds chirping or leaves moving. Everything echoes off the skyscrapers and goes above our heads. Though no one is talking, it is all too loud, and then I put my headphones in